
PlacetheplatewiththemousetrapsmountedonitontopoftheLuciteboxbaseplate.Setthetrapsandplacetwosuperballneutronsoneachtrap.,Asingleballdroppedontoanassemblyofcockedmousetrapsloadedwithballsstartsachainreactionthatisoverin6-7seconds.,Aclassicengineeringchallenge:Buildacarthattravelsasfaraspossibleusingthepowerofasinglemousetrap!Deceptivelysimple,yetthescience ...,Amousetrapisastellarexampleofconve...


Place the plate with the mousetraps mounted on it on top of the Lucite box base plate. Set the traps and place two super ball neutrons on each trap.

Mousetrap chain reaction experiment.

A single ball dropped onto an assembly of cocked mousetraps loaded with balls starts a chain reaction that is over in 6-7 seconds.

Mousetrap-Powered Car Challenge - Hands

A classic engineering challenge: Build a car that travels as far as possible using the power of a single mousetrap! Deceptively simple, yet the science ...

Mousetraps in Motion

A mousetrap is a stellar example of converting potential energy to kinetic energy. The spring of the mousetrap is held back with a bunch of potential energy.

Not Just about Nuclear Chain Reactions

由 I Perissi 著作 · 2022 — The “mousetrap experiment” was proposed in 1947 by Richard Sutton [1] as a mechanical simulation of the chain reaction that occurs in fissile nuclei, such as ...

Revisiting the Mousetrap Experiment

The “Mousetrap Experiment” consists in loading 25-100 mousetraps with solid balls. Triggering one of the traps results in the release of two balls, which then trigger other traps, generating a rapid explosion of flying balls that subsides when most of the